Saturday, December 5, 2009

Of Skirts,Dresses and Pants (Part 1)

This is just my opinion on clothing. This is not the exact opinion of my sisters, and though ours are similar they are still different.

Though I believe it is best for a girl or woman to wear more skirts and dresses than pants, I know it is not for everyone.For some it may seem too radical,unpractical or just plain uncomfortable.I myself don't wear them all the time.But I've recently made the decision to wear mostly skirts and dresses.I've been thinking a lot lately about wearing pants into the public.I don't believe it is sinful,but I do believe that women and girls who wear a skirt or dress(that is modest)in public,make a greater statement to the public as women representing Christ.But if girls and women strive to appear as modest,feminine and godly as they can in their lifestyles,I believe the Lord will bless them,whether they wear pants,dresses or skirts!

At the beginning of this month I finally decided to wear skirts and dresses when doing any type of errand(s) in "town" and,if I can,when I'm at home. I say town because we live further out in the country,and the nearest store is ten-eleven miles away.And it's very small! =)

Why I've decided to do this is for a couple reasons.First off, I am an extremely prideful girl! I know a lot of people would say that it's just human nature,but I am especially so.I didn't truly give my heart to the Lord until I was fourteen.But when I turned sixteen I began wandering and became a little rebellious.Thankfully it only lasted a year,but it was one very wasted year that I regret.During my rebellion I became obsessed with my physical appearance and was constantly working-out to get the perfect body.Not to mention I had quite a few people telling me how beautiful I was,and that I had the perfect model body.So naturally I started wearing clothes to show if off,and I became EXTREMELY vain! So this is one of the reasons why I do not wear jeans or pants into public anymore.When I wear pants it's hard for me to keep my thoughts from straying.I'm always wondering,"do I look good?!",or such things as that.Wearing skirts and dresses in public helps me keep my thoughts humble and to remember I am representing Christ.I once read an article by a young married woman.She wrote that if the Bible tells us to be different or separate from the world(2Corinthians 6:15-18 "And what concord hath Christ with Belial?or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols?for ye are the temple of the living God;as God hath said,I will dwell in them,and walk in them;and I will be their God,and they shall be my people.Wherefore come out from among them,and be ye separate,saith the Lord,and touch not the unclean thing;and I will receive you,And will be a Father unto you,and ye shall be my sons and daughters,saith the Lord Almighty."),but we are dressing exactly as every other immodest unchristian girl and woman,how is the world to know we are different? Of course character and demeanor are more important,but let's face it,the world judges first impressions by appearance. Another reason I've chosen to wear skirts and dresses is because I feel more feminine and pretty in them.I feel more like a lady,and strangers are more respectful towards me,especially men.And last but not least,my fiance loves it! =)

Now earlier I said I do not wear skirts and dresses all the time.I also mentioned we live in the country.We own chickens,dogs,cats and horses.At one point we had goats.So that means a lot of outdoor chores requiring cleaning of pens,hauling of manure,grooming,feeding,watering,etc... every day!women years back did these things every day in skirts and dresses.But I've found it's simpler for me to do things like these in pants.One of the reasons is because we live on a budget,and we can't afford to replace skirts and dresses all the time if they are badly torn,stained,etc... So I like to keep my skirts and dresses nice and clean while wearing pants as "muck clothes". =) Not to mention we do a lot of horseback riding! So riding astride may be a little difficult. =)

~~Laura Michelle~~

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I am a mum of 4 boys, homeschooling them, which is somehow how I found your blog. lol Anyway, all that to say I agree with you about clothing. I have always felt more feminine and pretty wearing skirts. I abhor jeans, they are just too revealing. I also love the variety of fabrics in dresses and skirts and blouses. I think I can express my personality and style more in those beautiful fabrics. I am glad to hear that your fiance likes you in skirts too. It is really nice to feel appreciated by our loved ones when we take a stand against the "norm". Good luck with your new home and I hope your marriage is full of God's grace.

    Best wishes
    Jen in Oz
